I have devoted my life to serving hundreds of children and their families in various capacities to assist them with the myriad challenges of navigating our rapidly changing world. And now, I have translated that experience to a new venture with grown-ups -- and their inner children.

I received my degrees from the University of MN. I have an Early Childhood Certificate and BA (Magna Cum Laude) in American Studies with minors in Child Psychology, Women's Studies and English. I have been a voracious researcher, reading countless books and articles, and taking classes ever since graduation.

And if there were honors issued for experience in play and adventure, I would have at least a PHD or perhaps a Nobel Play Prize!

I grew up in Minneapolis, MN and spent 38 years there. Then after 2 years in Charlotte, NC I moved to Milwaukee, WI. After a Surprise Life Implosion, I traveled around the country for a few months before landing in Marin County, CA in June of 2010.  I have been exploring the trails (literally and metaphorically ) and dancing joyfully in nature almost every single day since then. The magic of my new life and the gifts I discovered after my old world ended as well as what I have learned from my extended time in that "Special World" of the Hero/ine's Journey is what I am now offering to fellow adventurers on the path of transformation.