Resources and links
Neuroscientist, Dr. Kelly McGonigal's TedTalk about the benefits of stress.
"How to Make Stress Your Friend"
Psychology Today article by Abagail Brenner M.D. on Five Ways Rituals help Guide You Through Transitions
Martha Beck's blog post Growing Wings, The Power Of Change
Raphael Cushnir's O Magaazine Article on Two Questions That Could Change Your Life
Review of SARKs practical and delightful book Glad No Matter What, Transforming Loss and Change into Gift and Opportunity
William Bridges' book Transitions was a lifesaver for me and I still refer to it often
All four of these books by Pema Chodron are perfect for helping navigate transitions.
All of Cheri Huber's books are handwritten and illustrated easy and fast reads that are profoundly helpful. When You Are Falling, Dive is perfect for transitions and not to be mistaken for another excellent book with the same title by
Mark Matousek.
Neuroscientist Dr. Rick Hanson video on Taking In The Good
Dr Shefali's Wisdom 2.0 video on Pain as a Portal to Consciousness
Article from on Why Play Matters For Adults
I can't recommend the book Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach highly enough.
Byron Katie's video Introducing "The Work" for Teenagers
Bruce Lipton's IONS speech on The Biology of Belief
Christine Sutherland's PDF on Using NLP to Re-write Personal History
Stuart Brown's TedTalk Play is More Than Fun; It Is Vital
Ridvan Foxhall's article on 10 Benefits of Family Rituals and traditions

List of practitioners and therapists for additional support coming soon