Labyrinth Adventures for a Hero/ine's Journey
A Hero/ine’s Journey Adventure on Seven Sundays to Seven Sacred and Spectacular Sites
I will be taking seven pathfinders into the wilds of Marin County to discover seven different labyrinths and spirals, as a live addition to my Seven Week Heroine's Journey Program -- exclusively for Bay Area explorers.
The hikes are (round trip) mostly under an hour of walking at an easy pace --with breaks. And all are in gorgeous locations that include sunny hills, ridges, Redwoods, an oak forest, a secret garden, a magic castle, a hidden dragon egg, a silver tree, a pyramid, a lake, creeks, the ocean and more.
I'm only accepting seven explorers, so if you are:
- in the Bay Area
- someone who would enjoy time spent in stunning natural beauty in the company of others who are on similar life journeys
- in a time or place in between where an old way of life has ended and the new one is still an elusive mystery (either personally or feeling the impact of the collective journey we are all on in this "space between stories" in our world
- in need of some guidance and support on how to navigate this place
- curious about the powerful and magical gifts of the Hero/ine's Journey (you will be surprised!)
- willing to play and be creative while exploring new paths --both literally and metaphorically
- open to changing your story and discovering a new life of previously unconsidered possibilities
- interested in discovering and sharing your unique gifts
- ready to claim your sovereignty
- free on Sunday afternoons/evenings starting 4/23/17 through 6/4/17 (short make up sessions available Thursday eves)
Please see below for a detailed description of what I am offering.
On the Sunday before each week’s adventure:
- You will receive a document via email that will include information about one of the steps of the Hero/ines Journey with optional activities and "extra credit" links to further reading and videos. For more about this journey see my process page or go here.
Hero/ine's Journey curriculum
- You are not required to do anything with this material, but I recommend you at least skim it prior to each adventure – each document is divided into seven short sections, so ideally you might read one section per day.
- Obviously the more time, love and energy you devote to this exploration, the more of a transformation you will be able to create.
- If you want to take a deeper dive, there are many rich opportunities to do so within that material, and I will be available to answer questions and offer support after the hike is over each week.
Here is typically how each week will flow:
- Each Sunday, we will meet at the picnic tables at Peri Park in Fairfax at 4:00 for elixirs and oracle cards.
- At 4:30 we will carpool to the trailhead.
- On the hikes, while we are walking, I will give a short introduction to the theme of the week. Then you will be invited to take turns sharing your journey- -if you desire to do so.
- When we reach the labyrinth or spiral of the day, we will take turns silently walking through. Those who are waiting their turn can either sit in quiet meditation, write or sketch in a journal, dance (quietly with headphones), take photos and/or wander and just drink in the beauty. This is not idle time, but a chance to tune into your inner wisdom.
- If time permits we will also do an exercise (I have a large repertoire of powerful and fun activities based on thousands of hours of research on a wide variety of topics ranging from Ancient Wisdom Traditions and Healing Modalities to Cutting Edge Science in my Hero/ine's pack!) to play with the theme of the week.
- We will gather in a circle after everyone is finished to integrate and share intentions for the coming week.
- Then we will hike back to the car in pairs, taking turns sharing and witnessing on what we gleaned from the day.
- We will arrive back at Peri Park between 7:00 and 7:30 and those who brought their dinner can picnic with me.
- After the picnic, those who want more delights can join me in the comfy, cozy, enchanted tented area reserved for us in the back of Wu Wei Tea Temple for magical elixirs like Kava, Kratom, (if you have not tried either of these, they offer a delightful buzz) Chocolate drinks and other herbal delights – including of course : tea. There are also delicious Middle Eastern small plates and bone broth cocktails for those who prefer that to picnicking.
- I will stay at Wu Wei until at least 9:00 and I am happy to answer questions during that time or just listen and offer reflections on your stories.
- So, you can have a ~3-hour experience or extend it to as long as 5 hours, depending on your available time and preferences.
Here is the calendar of events and destinations:
Your first document will arrive in your email with an “Overview of the Hero/ine’s Journey”
First, we hike though a live oak forest and then hunt for the the Silver Tree,
and the Pyramid,
and hidden Andy Goldsworthy Egg sculpture. (This big “Dragon egg” is tricky to find!)
Then we will hike up to a labyrinth.
The time spent walking might take slightly over an hour round trip, depending on pace of hikers, but we will see a lot in a short time on this loop.
You will receive your second document via email on “Gathering You Allies” for the following week.
We will hunt for the hidden Spiral and heart in San Geronimo.
You will receive your third document via email on “Crossing the Threshold”
The labyrinth is only a 30 second hike from the car, so we will first hike on a nearby ridge with breathtaking views of the skyline of SF, Mount Tam and the Richmond Bridge over the bay and rolling hills --and also view a concealed heart and spiral that are sadly now fenced off but still visible.
Then we will drive to the secret garden Labyrinth (a unique shape unlike any other labyrinth I have seen).
You will receive your fourth document via email on “The Special World”
We will hunt for the forgotten and concealed giant Fairfax Spiral --which also has a lovely view of the Skyline of SF and Mount Tam.
This will be a fairly short hike so we will have time to do some creative activities to deepen into the Special World and activate intuition.
You will receive your fifth document via email on “The Road of Trials”
Once again, the labyrinth is next to where we will park, so we will first go to a nearby hike starting in one of my very favorite spots to play, with a charming little bridge over a lively creek surrounded by magnificent redwoods.
Then we will drive up a short but tricky road to this labyrinth.
You can also walk up to visit the nearby goats.
And whisper your secrets into this ear on the tree across from the labyrinth.
You will receive your sixth document via email on "The Holy Grail"
This is another labyrinth that does not require a hike, so we will first go for a short loop hike at nearby Phoenix Lake. The Phoenix is a powerful symbol and part of what you will embody in the Heroine's Journey story.
Then we will drive to this labyrinth by the “Grail Castle”
You will receive your seventh and final document via email on “The Return Home”.
- 6/4/17
This will be a slightly longer adventure that will begin a half hour earlier and not end until slightly later. Anyone who wishes to drive separately and meet us there is welcome to do so.
We will go to Limantour Beach (~45 minute drive from Fairfax) and create our own labyrinths and spirals.
We will wander on the beach and collect rocks, shells, and other treasures to decorate our group and individual labyrinths. We will have a picnic dinner there. I will also invite guests with offerings to support you as you integrate your journey, but have not coordinated all of that yet, so no promises –just possible surprise bonuses. And you can invite guests as well, to meet us there.
This 7-week package of adventures includes the 7-week curriculum for the Hero/ine’s journey, a private FaceBook group to connect with me and others on the journey during the week, the elixirs at the beginning of each week’s journey (Wu Wei treats not covered), plus a half hour phone call with me to personalize your journey*. And you are entitled to one, one hour make-up hike on a Thursday evening if you need to miss a Sunday.
The fee for the entire package is 1,000.00. But if you make the LEAP and sign up by midnight on April Fools Day it is only 700.00.
It would be a wise move on your part to take The Fools Special, because not only will you save 300.00, but I am only accepting 7 adventurers, so the spots could fill up. And I may only offer this once.
I am still working on the technical issues of getting the sign up button live and also linking to the Heroine's Journey online program, so for now, send me an email at with the subject heading of "Curious" if you want to send you information about the course OR if you are ready to take a LEAP of faith, send me an email saying "I'M IN!" and I will hold your spot.
I look forward to our adventures together!
The Fool is shown at the beginning of the journey with unlimited potential.
According to BiddyTarot – “The Fool is numbered 0, the number of unlimited potential, and does not actually have a specific place in the sequence of the Tarot cards. The Fool can come either at the beginning of the Major Arcana or at the end. The Major Arcana is often considered as the Fool’s journey through life and as such, he is ever present and therefore needs no number.
The Fool is shown at the beginning of his journey with unlimited potential. The sun rising up behind him represents the beginning of his journey. He is facing north-west, the direction of the unknown. He is looking upwards, toward the sky, or Spirit. He is about to step off a cliff into the material world but is he prepared? He has all the tools and resources he needs in the bag on his staff but he has not opened the bag yet. The white rose in his left hand represents purity and innocence.
*Additional support calls available at 50.00 per half hour that you can schedule on line.